Sunday 9 March 2014

What are you doing this March Break? Book Challenge

What are you doing this March Break, going away? staying close to home? Reading a good book? No matter what you are doing this march break everyone always has a good book close at hand. There's nothing like relaxing with a good book on a holiday.

Here's my challenge to you my friends and family post on our blog your book of choice, whether is was good or bad we want to know. Let us know what  you are reading as this very moment.

"I love books! I love that moment when you open one up and sink into, you can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours will ever be - Elizabet Scott

Monday 3 March 2014

You Hear Of Many Books...You Read Many Books...Do You Share Many Books?

We all have those stories that touch our hearts, make us gasp or bring tears to our eyes, and we often say quietly to ourselves, "I should give this book to...". Well now you can share those stories with many people by putting a few words in our Book Recommendation section of our blog.

Those many stories Thank You and so do we, for sharing them with others who may need to read and feel what you felt.