Book Recommendations

Give us your book recommendations and comments


  1. Thank you Chad, can you tell our readers a bit about Carol S. Person's book Awakening the Heroes Within?

  2. great spot. I have many favorite books and authors but the most recent in the category of historical fiction is Barbara Kingsolver and really I would like to read anything she writes. For example her fiction is so historically accurate that she has a bibliography in the back of the books. At this point I should confess that some of her phrases are so moving that I read them out loud . Cheers deborah

    1. I'm intrigued, and curiosity is peaked...very much enjoy historical fiction

  3. Renee Thibodeau3 March 2014 at 19:20

    I am currently reading a beautiful book called Mutant Message Down Under, by Marlo Morgan. Quote, "A powerful book. A beautiful tale of a woman's mystical journey." -Marianne Williamson.
    An American woman makes her way to Australia for a business venture connecting with Aboriginals, but once there is she is summoned by a remote tribe who take her on a 4 month journey of life altering experiences, transformations and ultimately a new way of life.
    I become enveloped in the story as I read, and find it hard to put down. Definitely one for our bookstore!

  4. Have read and re-read "I'm with the Band, Confessions of a Groupie"...tells the tale of a young Pamela (Miller) Des Barres living in the center of the universe, the Sunset Strip and Laurel Canyon at the infancy of the BCP, the sexual and musical revolution, and at the Dawn of the summer of love.

    1. Thank you Tania. Perhaps you and I should get together and chat more about books such as these.

  5. I've tried reading Nicholas Sparks a few times now, can't do it anymore...too predictable. I NEED a book that I can't put down! I want something that is character driven not fluff....suggestions?

  6. hmmmm....good challenge for me, I'm wondering if you should read this one I am reading.
