
Chronicle of the 20th Century  - Published in 1988
Insert from book: Chronicle of the 20th Century puts you there when man first flies an aeroplane or invents the "talking picture". Discover what happened at the great moments of history - The Russian Revolution, the rise of Hitler, the D-Day landings, the bombing of Hiroshima, the assassination of President Kennedy and the first moon landing. Follow the lives of legendary figures such as Winston Churchill, recapture the whiff of scandal such as King Edwards abdication, thrill to great sporting victories, be chilled by disasters such as Aberfan, marvel at scientific discoveries and cheer artistic triumphs from Picasso's first exhibition to the Beatles' first record.

Anyone interested in purchasing this book should contact us for further information.

 Gauguin, Cezanne and Rembrandt 16 page colour prints published from 1952-54. Includes documentary on each artist. Good condition.
Anyone interested in purchasing one of these books should contact us for further information.

 Canada A Year of the Land - Copyright 1967-69. This book was produced to mark the 100th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. It consists of documentation of seasons throughout Candada and book plates for each season from coast to coast. Book includes a separate list on all the plates in the book.
Anyone interested in purchasing this book should contact us for more information.

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